Mindset Shifting Techniques

Methods To Adapt Our Perspectives To Better Address Climate Change And Disaster Stress can sometimes feel a bit like a monster with seventeen arms, tentacles, and razor-sharp teeth – completely overwhelming and beyond our capacity to deal with. When it comes to enormous changes, it is easy to find our stress levels pushing right past… Continue Reading Mindset Shifting Techniques

Notes: Week Of 6/29/20

Methods & Mindfulness Action: Try out mindfulness meditation and find a way (or ways) that work for you to be more aware of yourself and your surroundings. Do some active reflection on your stressors and signs you are feeling stressed, and practice stress management techniques to improve your resiliency in the face of disaster and… Continue Reading Notes: Week Of 6/29/20

The Psychology of COVID-19 Denial

WHY ARE WE RE-OPENING ALREADY? We’re re-opening?! Hooray! It’s all over!  Wait…Didn’t the experts (and Globally Heated) say we would need to do the stay-at-home thing for months? And limit certain activities for a year or more? And what about cases going up? Is it safe out there or not? Across the country, states and… Continue Reading The Psychology of COVID-19 Denial

Notes: Week of 6/22/20

Mind Games & Motivation Action: Consider becoming a climate communicator by checking out a variety of platforms, including Coursera, the National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation, and Citizens Climate Lobby. Put in the work and research to shift your own perspective before demanding the same of others. And remember, not everyone has the… Continue Reading Notes: Week of 6/22/20

Whose Fault Is It Anyway?

Placing blame is a pretty natural reaction.  If something goes wrong, we can’t fix anything or make it better if we don’t know what caused things to go wrong in the first place. But, if we place that blame on the wrong person, the wrong activity, the wrong variable, it ends up being an exercise… Continue Reading Whose Fault Is It Anyway?

Notes: Week Of 6/15/20

Blame & Board Games Action: Look into your state’s own disaster preparedness resources (most have websites, some do not). Look critically, but holistically at issues you see with disaster responses. And, if you have the means, volunteer with or donate to disaster response and preparedness groups, like the Medical Reserve Corps, Community Emergency Response Teams,… Continue Reading Notes: Week Of 6/15/20