Methods To Adapt Our Perspectives To Better Address Climate Change And Disaster Stress can sometimes feel a bit like a monster with seventeen arms, tentacles, and razor-sharp teeth – completely overwhelming and beyond our capacity to deal with. When it comes to enormous changes, it is easy to find our stress levels pushing right past… Continue Reading Mindset Shifting Techniques
Tag: Disaster
Whose Fault Is It Anyway?
Placing blame is a pretty natural reaction. If something goes wrong, we can’t fix anything or make it better if we don’t know what caused things to go wrong in the first place. But, if we place that blame on the wrong person, the wrong activity, the wrong variable, it ends up being an exercise… Continue Reading Whose Fault Is It Anyway?
Red Lines & Red Tomatoes
Red lines tend to be rather ominous. Your teacher may have drawn them all over that essay you turned in in second grade, showing you how wrong you were about everything in your tiny human life, scarring you emotionally forever. Those red lines don’t get any less emotionally taxing when they are drawn on a… Continue Reading Red Lines & Red Tomatoes
Episode 005 – The Inequality Equation
Disasters make everyone equal, right? Climate change affects everyone the same way? There are no advantages or disadvantages or, well, you know, it’s all disadvantages… disadvantages for everyone! Yeah… no. It’s the exact opposite. In this episode, we’re diving into how disaster and climate change have an even greater impact on communities that are… Continue Reading Episode 005 – The Inequality Equation
Income, Preparedness, & What The Heck We Can Do About It
You may have heard the phrase, “disaster is the great equalizer,” at some point before in your life. Don’t let them fool you. Every disaster movie is centered on a group of people from different backgrounds coming together to solve the crisis – but they never show you what the consequences for the disaster are… Continue Reading Income, Preparedness, & What The Heck We Can Do About It
Episode 004 – Prepare to… practice!
Here we go again… the globe is still warming up, those ice caps are still melting like popsicles in the microwave… you all know the drill by now! Let’s keep this conversation about disasters and emergencies going, folks! This episode, we’re bringing it all together, all the plans and supplies and research, to practice what… Continue Reading Episode 004 – Prepare to… practice!
Episode 003 – Prepare to… get supplied!
Our globe is still warming up, those ice caps are still melting… You get the idea, we’re still talking about disasters, emergencies, and climate change here, folks! (As soon as they go away, we’ll stop, we promise.) We’re continuing the preparedness series today with an episode all about supplies! This week, we’re going to talk… Continue Reading Episode 003 – Prepare to… get supplied!
The Supplies Surprise
Having what you need on hand before a disaster strikes can be easier than you think—but why do so many of us mess it up? (The answer is a level of surprising worthy of a clickbait title…) Bottled water? One of those hand-crank radio-flashlight combinations? Six months’ worth of military surplus MREs? A flamethrower? Picking… Continue Reading The Supplies Surprise
Episode 002 – Prepare to… be prepared!
The globe is warming up, ice caps are still melting, diseases are spreading, pollution is polluting, and the weather is more extreme every year. Jinkies! So what is a simple human to do? How can we prepare and make it through the next disaster? And the one after that? And the one after that? In… Continue Reading Episode 002 – Prepare to… be prepared!
Disasters, Emergencies, Public Health, Oh My!
Disaster declaration, state of emergency, public health crisis. It’s a big ol’ mess. Between all the legal acts, the paperwork, the bureaucracy, it’s tough to unravel how exactly US disaster response works. Government officials and public personalities are talking about declarations and executive orders and the like as if everyone is supposed to actually know… Continue Reading Disasters, Emergencies, Public Health, Oh My!