Planning & Escapes

Action: Talk to your kids about disasters and emergencies (123). Start a preparedness conversation with the people in your life. Connect with your local emergency management agency. Make a plan – individual, family/household, neighborhood, community, workplace. And remember, not everyone has the capacity to plan and prepared beforehand, so find a local food bank to use or donate to depending on your circumstances, and help out our undocumented (12), indigenous (12), and trans friends through mutual aid programs as they face this virus with fewer resources and less government support than should be the case.

Educate: Do your research on what is suggested in personal preparedness planning – from the federal government and the American Red Cross. Think through your risks, vulnerabilities, resources, necessary numbers and information, and put those things together using our Planning Infographic from the week of May 4, 2020.

Source Material: Click through the links to the source material we used to research this week – take a deep dive into what was most interesting to you!