Resources, Ridiculousness, Rhymes, Oh My!
The Cool-It Toolkit is a resource center dedicated to showing everyday people that they can make a difference in the disaster preparedness and climate change worlds!
Small acts, educating yourself, and making eco-friendly choices really can impact the world we see around us.
So check out the links and resources shared here to see what you can do to show that you’re ready for the global climate to “cool-it”!
The Cool-It Toolkit is coming soon, check back for updates as things heat up!
- Notes: Week Of 7/06/20Rinse & Repeat Action: Make your own masks at home (TLDR: Two layers of cotton with an inner layer of tight weave polyester—chiffon—or silk. Make sure it fits tight to your face, especially… Continue Reading Cool-It Toolkit
- Notes: Week Of 6/29/20Methods & Mindfulness Action: Try out mindfulness meditation and find a way (or ways) that work for you to be more aware of yourself and your surroundings. Do some active reflection on your… Continue Reading Cool-It Toolkit
- Notes: Week of 6/22/20Mind Games & Motivation Action: Consider becoming a climate communicator by checking out a variety of platforms, including Coursera, the National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation, and Citizens Climate Lobby. Put… Continue Reading Cool-It Toolkit
- Notes: Week Of 6/15/20Blame & Board Games Action: Look into your state’s own disaster preparedness resources (most have websites, some do not). Look critically, but holistically at issues you see with disaster responses. And, if you… Continue Reading Cool-It Toolkit
- Notes: Week Of 6/08/20Redlines & Red Tomatoes Action: If you work at a bank, mortgage lender, or for state or local government, look into your policies and practices, and figure out if there are any discrepancies… Continue Reading Cool-It Toolkit
- Notes: Week of 5/25/20Income Inequality & Acknowledgment Action: Listen to our podcast series on preparedness to learn more about how you can prepare and help relieve some of the stress on our emergency systems during a… Continue Reading Cool-It Toolkit
- Notes: Week Of 5/18/20Tabletops & Practice Action: Check out the online courses available through FEMA that could help you feel more prepared. Sign up for a CPR or First Aid course when it is safe to… Continue Reading Cool-It Toolkit
- Notes: Week Of 5/11/20Supply & Support Action: Make your own supply list, and leave space to include new items if you ever experience that particular type of emergency and find there is something you left off. Plan your… Continue Reading Cool-It Toolkit
- Notes: Week Of 5/04/20Planning & Escapes Action: Talk to your kids about disasters and emergencies (1, 2, 3). Start a preparedness conversation with the people in your life. Connect with your local emergency management agency. Make a plan – individual, family/household, neighborhood, community,… Continue Reading Cool-It Toolkit
- Notes: Week of 4/27/20Panic & Percentages Action: Find a local food bank to use or donate to depending on your circumstances, and help out our undocumented (1, 2), indigenous (1, 2), and trans friends through mutual aid programs as they face the… Continue Reading Cool-It Toolkit
- Notes: Week of 4/20/20Timelines & Declarations Action: Play the Social Distance Game to better understand why social distance is so important and what decision making might look like within the COVID-19 context. Contact your governor by… Continue Reading Cool-It Toolkit